Challenges of neuromarketing in the academic and business environment
Neuromarketing is based on the analysis and study of the experiences, expectations, feelings, and emotions of the client and/or the user. From here, this specialty, which is the result of neuroscience and marketing, studies why we are able to remember or recognize the positive or negative points of choosing and enjoying a product or service without distinction. Emotions that, by the way, are what help us to remember a product or service as unique, beautiful, indifferent or with no possibility of being repeated in future purchase choices (Barrientos-Báez et al., 2023).
The current digital showcase allows the public to compare experiences and opinions with a single click. What is the scope of this new scenario? It is necessary to create a base from which it is possible to launch new studies framed within the Social Sciences, considering the existing subdivisions within the phenomenon, and the synergies that it can present with other branches and/or elements of study such as Communication, Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence, among others. It is considered a recurring need to study this matter in depth and slowly, in view of the events that, in recent years, have led to review the foundations, precisely based on new technologies and the communicative acts that are carried out.
From a transversal approach, it is necessary to establish the role of neurocommunication in the academic world in all its stages. Also, in other sectors were dealing with the client is the protagonist of the mission, vision, and objectives of a company, it is often the case that the users do not behave in the expected manner. Hence the importance of being prepared to anticipate, organize, and manage a plan to improve the experience of the user, target audience, students, etc.
Behavior together with the customer experience can be defined as the set of stories and scenarios that occur regarding their relationship with a product and/or service. This is a competitive advantage: the greater the consumer's feeling of satisfaction, the better valued and positioned the quality given to the product or service will be. Consequently, the possibility of creating engagement or loyalty will increase.
Influencers, consumers, 3.0 citizens not only have the ability to create their own content but also the enormous ease of access to the platforms to adapt content to the transmedia environment, taking advantage of their material and readapting it to different audiences so that it fulfills different roles and gains in scope and qualitative diffusion.
Consumers buy products and services, but also feelings and experiences that bring satisfaction and confidence from the emotions that emerge from them. That is why qualified and trained personnel are required both in aspects that pertain specifically to the field of advertising and sales, such as Artificial Intelligence, ICT and neurocommunication/neuromarketing. They have the aim of having a professional relationship with the client: to go beyond the creation of advertising spaces.
In this issue of Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información, researchers’ community is invited to delve into neurocommunication and the application of neuromarketing by and to increase the benefit of a company or institution, improve brand image, increase loyalty and favor the positive opinion of a product or service by different and multiple population segments. Likewise, the monograph is open to contributions in the field of the temporal evolution of the study area, its techniques, and tools.
Other lines of research:
- Impact of neurocommunication on emotions and emotional intelligence.
- Sensation, self-discovery, transformation, and control of experiences of users, consumers, students, etc.
- Artificial Intelligence, metaverse and its role in sales, advertising, and marketing campaigns.
- Keys for the conceptualization of teaching and learning styles after the pandemic caused by covid-19.
- Involvement of university governance for the integration of digital tools generating interest that implies the activation of all the senses incorporating persuasive communication techniques.
- Neuromarketing, neurocommunication, transmedia communication, influencers, and tourism.
- Neuromarketing, neurocommunication: ICT and social networks.
- Neuromarketing and ethical, social and environmental management.
- Neuromarketing, improvement of corporate reputation and CSR.
- Neurocommunication: content generation, feedback, adaptability, and media literacy.
- Pupilometry, eye tracking, electroencephalography and galvanometry as neuromarketing tools.
- Sensory marketing and the application of olfactory and auditory marketing in the commercial environment.
- Theoretical-scientific review of the conceptual framework of emotion and feeling and its application to neuromarketing.
- Proposals for marketing strategies in social networks.
Keywords: neurocommunication, neuromarketing, feelings, emotions, ICT, education, tourism, social networks, influencers, ethics, digital marketing.
This CFP is part of the framework of a Concilium project (931.791) of the Complutense University of Madrid, "Validation of communication models, neurocommunication, business, social networks and gender".
Deadline: October 23, 2023
Coordinated by:
Dra. Almudena Barrientos-Báez
PhD with international mention in Education. Assistant Doctor at the Complutense University of Madrid. She was Director of the Enabling Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the European University of Madrid. Master in Event Protocol, Production, Organization and Design Management - COMMUNICATION area - (Univ. Camilo José Cela) and Master in Tourist Accommodation Management (Univ. Girona). Degree in Tourism (Univ. of La Laguna) and Diploma in Teaching (Univ. Valencia). Her research work is linked directly and also transversally to Neuromarketing, Neurocommunication, Gender, Social Networks, Communication, PR and ICT. She is part of the Project Public audiovisual media before the ecosystem of platforms: management models and evaluation of the reference public value for Spain, (PID2021-122386OB-I00), financed by the MCIN, AEI and FEDER, EU. Ministry of Science and Innovation. Member of the Research Team: Communication and Education Cabinet. UAB Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences.
Dr. Antonio Baraybar
PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University. His research and teaching interests are related to the economics of communication, specifically, with marketing, communication management in organizations and the new emerging business models fostered by new technologies.
Dra. Rasa Pocevičienė
PhD of Education in Siauliai State College. Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Communication. Lithuania. Head of Studies and Science Coordination Unit at Šiaulių valstybine kolegija (higher educational institution, Lituania). She is one of the creators of the Self-directed Learning System for general education schools, an expert of Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) for the Siauliai region, an expert of the Lithuanian Study Quality Assessment Centre. Comunicación, reviewer of international and national scientific journals, author of more than 80 scientific articles in international and national journals in areas of self-directed learning, multicultural communication, communication in education, creating and implementing innovations as well as learning innovations, distance learning, learner cognition, problem-solving management, and skills, relations between freedom and responsibility as well as in education, ensuring and improving the learner-centred teaching/learning process, knowledge management, education for entrepreneurship and leadership.