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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Whenever possible, the DOI for electronic references or their URL will be provided. URLs longer than one line will be shortened with any of the free programs available on the web.
  • The reduced Cv of each author is included, with the H index and academic identifiers: ORCID y GOOGLE ACADÉMICO (SCHOLAR) and it is advisable to present those of the authors: RESEARCH GATE, ACADEMIA.EDU e ID-REDALYC.
    All authors and co-authors must be registered in the ORCID platform (http://orcid.org) and correctly indicate their author identifier both in the document and in the platform metadata.
  • In the case of coming from a funded research project, is it stated in the place provided for this purpose in the article, detailing whether it is a public or private research organization?
  • A correctly anonymized copy of the file is attached.
  • The originality letter is attached
  • All co-authors of the article are included in OJS. The journal is not responsible for the metadata included in your article. You must be sure to enter the names of your co-authors correctly, according to the order of signature, including their affiliations, e-mails, orcid and biographical summary.
  • Is the article properly formatted according to the Publication Template provided in the Publication Guidelines?
  • Each author's name is followed by his/her full academic affiliation and institutional e-mail address. To ensure proper citation in the different international databases, RCCI recommends that researchers register in IraLIS (http://iralis.org) and choose a signature format according to the standards.
  • The summary in English and Spanish has the following subheadings: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
  • Bibliography is in APA 7th edition.

Guidelines on submission, structure, length, citation forms, anonymization of papers and submission process can be found at: 
