Communication 360 and museum institutions: case study "paseo del arte" in Madrid

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Ruth Fernández Hernández


The development of new communication and information technologies (ICT) has transformed the way of communicating in today's societies from one-way to two-way communication. This has meant that business organisations have had to adapt their communication in both internal and external processes. Museum institutions have not been an exception, their adaptation process has been fundamental to relate to their audiences and open up to a new consumer, who generates and shares information, as well as expressing an opinion and thereby influencing other consumers. Faced with the need to offer a different, updated and somewhat new form of communication, museums have incorporated new technologies into their communication strategy. In order to analyse this paradigm in communication management, and as a reflection of a new conception of the mission of museums, this research has been carried out through a review of the literature on the new technologies used in museum communication and an exploratory investigation of the digital resources being used by the main museums of Madrid, which form the “Paseo del Arte”, as they are highly visited spaces and the main tourist resource of the city (Vacas, 2005).


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Fernández Hernández, Ruth. 2019. “Communication 360 and museum institutions: case study ‘paseo del arte’ in Madrid”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 24 (1):15-27.


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