Evolution Of Human Settlements And Spatial Distribution Of The Population In The Province Of Holguín. Censuses 1981-2002-2012

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Darnelis Delisle-Lescay


Holguín has experienced a constant evolution in human settlements and in the spatial distribution of its population. The continuous socioeconomic and demographic transformations that occur in the province have their effect on the distribution and spatial concentration of the population. In this paper, the evolution of human settlements and spatial distribution of the population in the province of Holguín was analyzed based on data obtained from the population and housing census (1981-2002-2012). In addition, the degree of concentration of the population in the settlements was obtained, by means of the representations of the Lorenz curve and the calculation of the Gini index (also known as Gini coefficient). Based on this analysis and the use of these methods, it was proven that, in a general sense, Holguín´s population tends to increase its concentration in cities, classified as first order.


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Delisle-Lescay, Darnelis. 2020. “Evolution Of Human Settlements And Spatial Distribution Of The Population In The Province Of Holguín. Censuses 1981-2002-2012”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 24 (2):19-29. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.2019.24(2).19-29.


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