Program aimed at developing detachment in guide dogs’ caretakers

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Michelle Juárez Maquet Makedonski
Leandro Figueredo Alvarez
Susan Puza Garcia
Natalia Romero Guerrero
David Ruiz Castillo


With the present research project for the development of detachment in the caregivers of guide dogs, we want to pay tribute to all the caregivers who voluntarily perform such a commendable and necessary action for blind people. We want to approach the process of attachment and detachment from a different emotional regulation perspective. Through in-depth interviews with a qualitative sample of 3 guide dog handlers who currently perform this function, we dive into their daily lives, knowing first-hand the situations, emotions and resistance they encounter in this process. With the help of bibliographic references from psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and professionals in these areas, we have been able to demonstrate certain behavioral traits and emotional states that impact on the affective bond of human beings with dogs.


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Maquet Makedonski, M. J., Figueredo Alvarez, L., Puza Garcia, S., Romero Guerrero, N., & Ruiz Castillo, D. . (2020). Program aimed at developing detachment in guide dogs’ caretakers. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 25(2), 133–155.


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