The spanish-language repository of radio france international: the audience of Latin America and Spain as a strategic objective

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Juan Carlos González Pérez
Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino
Ana Mancho Laiglesia
Jacinto Gómez López


Introduction: The article offers an analysis of the Spanish content offerings through Radio France International, systematizing and classifying their web programs based on the program name, content, theme, and production model. Methodology: The study examines 21 programs from RFI's Spanish language station, identifying eight of them as primarily informative in content. Results: The research highlights the programs' aim to bring French culture closer to Spanish speakers and explore talent similarities between France, Spain, and Latin America. Discussion: The role of RFI in promoting French culture and its relevance to Spanish speakers through a variety of topics such as cinema, dance, music, theater, and literature is discussed. Conclusions: The study concludes that RFI's Spanish content offerings play a crucial role in cultural bridging between France and the Spanish-speaking world, offering a diversity of programs reflecting this mission.


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How to Cite
González Pérez, Juan Carlos, Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino, Ana Mancho Laiglesia, and Jacinto Gómez López. 2021. “The spanish-language repository of radio france international: the audience of Latin America and Spain as a strategic objective”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 26 (June):27-44.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos González Pérez, Complutense University of Madrid

Journalist, an expert in communication, digital marketing, and content creation. He is a researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid in the field of journalism, social networks, and radio information. Over several years, I have worked in media outlets such as Cadena SER, El Mundo, ABC, Onda Madrid, or; institutions such as Injuve, Ametic, Academia de la Televisión, España Digital, or Multinationals by Marca España and agencies such as Open Ideas giving value to new journalistic narratives and ways of communicating. Researcher for the UNED and the Complutense University of Madrid in Journalism, in areas such as social media, digital journalism, media education, fact-checking, communication and digital marketing, and radio production and information. Member of the MOOC Quimica Made in Spain projects of the FECYT and YouCheck Project (Eco Learning). Student coordinator in the radio and youth project “Europa on Air” (European Commission / Erasmus+ -2018-2019). Currently, community manager and member of the digital team at

Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino, Complutense University of Madrid

Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the UCM. He graduated in Journalism and Visual and Auditory Image Sciences. He has a Diploma in Media Research from A.I.M.C. PDI in the Department of Journalism and New Media at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has been linked to RTVE since 1977, where he has held, among others, the positions of Head of Programs of Radio 5, Subdirector of Territorial Stations of RNE, and Subdirector of Program Planning of RNE. Between 2000 and 2009, he has directed the Official Institute of Radio and Television. He has also been Deputy Director of Radio Televisión Madrid and Head of Programs of Onda Madrid.

Ana Mancho Laiglesia, University of Zaragoza

Department: Predepartmental Unit of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Area: Journalism. Center: Faculty of Philosophy and Literature.

Group: GICID (Research Group in Communication and Digital Information) UNIZAR teaching activity. Genres and journalistic writing II. Graduated in Journalism. During the academic year 2020-21. Audiovisual production: reportage and documentary. Graduated in Journalism. From the 2011-12 course to the 2020-21 course. Informative genres on tv. Graduated in Journalism. During the academic year 2019-20.

Jacinto Gómez López, Complutense University of Madrid

Ph.D. in Journalism.

Professor of the Department of Journalism and New Media at the Complutense University of Madrid.


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