Tiktok media structure: case study of the social network of the youngest
Main Article Content
Introduction: Since TikTok's inception in 2017, minors have become creators of high-quality audiovisual content, facilitated by smartphone technology and the platform's editing tools. However, to deliver quality and safe content, they must master additional media competencies. Methodology: A qualitative methodology with a TikTok case study was employed, based on communicative and competency analysis to update and understand changes in TikTok's media structure and minors' media competencies. Results: The study provides new data on TikTok's media structure, classification of actions, videos, and the relationship with minors' media and digital literacy. Discussion: The evolution of the social network and its impact on developing media and digital competencies in minors are discussed. Conclusions: The study concludes by highlighting the benefits of this evolution for minors' competency development.
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