Venezuelan university professionals who have emigrated and the loss of intellectual capital for the country
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Introduction: The study focuses on the analysis of the massive migration of Venezuelan university professionals and its impact on the loss of intellectual capital, as well as on the economic and social development of Venezuela during the year 2019. Methodology: A mixed methodology, encompassing qualitative and quantitative paradigms, was used, with data collection techniques including expert interviews, document analysis, and online questionnaires applied through the snowball effect. Results: The primary motivation for the migration of Venezuelan professionals lies in political, economic, and social uncertainty. 70.2% of respondents indicated their willingness to return under a change of circumstances in the country. Participants, with academic levels ranging from higher technician to postdoctorate, are distributed in 30 countries across four continents. Discussion: The government's lack of interest in establishing dialogues with productive sectors and academies to mitigate the causes of migration and facilitate the contribution of Venezuelan intellectual capital to the country's development from abroad is highlighted. Conclusions: The migration of professionals represents a significant brain drain for Venezuela, whose causes are deeply rooted in national uncertainty. Developing strategies that encourage the return or remote contribution of these professionals for the benefit of Venezuelan economic and social development is crucial.
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