The executive leadership at work: ¿just a mere skill or a real tool for personal development?
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Leadership has been traditionally seen as an essential Skull in the field of Business administration, especially in the areas concerning the human resources Management and the enterprising initiative. The aim of this present project is to think about those leadership models that can constitute, not only the key when dealing with employees but also a enhancing tool of the personal and human development of the staff members and the enterprising leader himself – following the postulates of corporate social responsibility or the last legal initiatives proposed in favor of enterprising. From this viewpoint, this executive leadership gains a new dimension being studied like a formula which enables the progress of the individual (linked to ethical and value-transmitting parameters), which goes further than the legal requirements typical of every legislation and also even further than the achievement of diverse challenges which companies are exposed to nowadays. Summarizing, it deals with assuming some ethical prerogatives when leading with people - an issue that seems essential in modern societies hit by financial crisis that have made clear which are the weak points of market-ruled system affected by not very honest corporative behaviors.
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