Curricular model by projects: design of the preparatory cycles in the Colombian University

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Alhim Adonaí Vera Silva


The curricular model for projects (CCM) proposed for the design of propaedeutic cycles in the Colombian university could be summarized in four words: Needs, Problems, Potentials and Projects. (NPPP). The traditional curricular model is characterized by a grouping, usually random, of knowledge of a discipline, which at the same time can be subfragmented, with symbols such as: I, II, III, IV ... these fragments, pieces or pieces, or asteroids of Knowledge floats unconnected, disjointed or abandoned in the student's mind (memory), waiting for an opportunity to demonstrate its ability to solve complex problems of itself, the family, the community, biodiversity and the globally interconnected planet.


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How to Cite
Adonaí Vera Silva, A. (2011). Curricular model by projects: design of the preparatory cycles in the Colombian University. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 16, 17–36.
Author Biography

Alhim Adonaí Vera Silva, Autonomous university of Bucaramanga

I research, write and publish academic books and scripts for virtual and face-to-face modules derived from fieldwork in education from preschool to postgraduate degrees, especially in curriculum, pedagogy, prospective and didactics. I have Academic Par Evaluator of university careers; advisor and designer of physical and virtual curricula, models and modules and I have developed didactic strategies. Represented the Academic Community of Colombian universities before the National Council of Higher Education (CESU) 1995 - 1997.


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