Furniture as a model of social communication: some comments on a set of provincial art deco furniture and the values ​​they convey.

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Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas


In a society in which everything is mediated, and where everything passes through the sieve of virtuality, we forget that until not so long ago, people required another series of means to communicate social, cultural economic values, etc., that would place them in a differentiating social position with respect to its congeners. One of the ways that people have historically counted on to transmit these values has been furniture, a silent witness of societies and their evolution. The furniture is an element of communication of the first order, that duly interrogated, may reveal a series of "subtleties" that speak to us of certain codes and models of social communication. Starting from a set of furniture Art Deco provincial Spanish, we intend to extract a series of conventions that were used in the period as instruments of social communication.


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How to Cite
Fernández Paradas, A. R. (2011). Furniture as a model of social communication: some comments on a set of provincial art deco furniture and the values ​​they convey. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 16, 36–49.
Author Biography

Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas, Málaga University

Doctor in Art History from the University of Malaga, with a doctoral thesis entitled Historiography and methodologies of the History of furniture in Spain (1872-2011). A state of affairs. Graduated in Art History and Graduated in Documentation from the University of Granada. Master in Expertise and Appraisal of Antiques and works of art from the University of Alcalá de Henares. He is currently a PhD Assistant Professor at the University of Granada, where he teaches in the Department of Didactics of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Education Sciences, and a teacher of the Master's Degree in Art and Advertising at the University of Vigo.


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