"New" men for the 21st century. some reflections on the ubersexual and its image in media culture

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Juan Antonio Sánchez López


Nobody escapes that we live a moment of profound transformations from the perspective of gender that urges men and women to redefine and even to propose new constructions of gender that do not rule out even the subversion of gender itself. If much is studied, analyzed, exposed, spoken and proclaimed -militanies aside- around the image of women, of yesterday and today, and their circumstances, it is no less true that, at the present time, it may be the man the great protagonist of such cultural, sociological and ideological processes that, as it could not be less, are also projected onto the world of images and the infinite universe of visual culture generated by, from and for the mass media.


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How to Cite
Sánchez López, J. A. (2010). "New" men for the 21st century. some reflections on the ubersexual and its image in media culture. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 15, 25–39. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.2010.15(0).25-39
Author Biography

Juan Antonio Sánchez López, Málaga University

Doctor of Philosophy and Letters from the History Section (1994) and Professor of the Department of Art History at the University of Malaga (2000). He teaches at the Faculties of Philosophy and Letters and, until 2010, also at the Faculties of Communication Sciences and Fine Arts. Since his first assignment to the Department, he has been linked as a Collaborating Scholar (1988-1990).