The Treatment of Hypnosis in Lars von Trier's Hypnotic Trilogy (1984-1991)

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Antonio Díaz Lucena


Lars von Trier directed his first Trilogy between 1984 and 1991. The hypnotic trance is the nexus in common for the three films, although it is deployed in a different way in each one. We ask ourselves in this article about the relationship of the film maker with this technique. Likewise, we investigate the possible significance that it could have. To this end, we delve into the style and artistic conception of one of the most well known Danish directors who also applied the hypnotic trance in his cinematography , Carl Th. Dreyer. During this process, we realise the closeness of both film makers with the precepts of Romanticism and their personal search of the essence of the human being.


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How to Cite
Díaz Lucena, Antonio. 2005. “The Treatment of Hypnosis in Lars von Trier’s Hypnotic Trilogy (1984-1991)”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 10 (November):39-49.
Author Biography

Antonio Díaz Lucena, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor of Journalism and Communication in the Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology (2019). Outstanding Doctor Cum Laude unanimously in Communication (2014). Expert Postgraduate in Social Communication from the Complutense University (2009). Master in Fine Arts and Visual Culture from the University of Middlesex London (2003). Degree in Sound Image Sciences from the Complutense University (1999). Member of the Trama y Fondo Cultural Association (2014).


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