Elementos para una prospectiva de la universidad colombiana en la sociedad del conocimiento

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Alhim Adonaí Vera Silva


En el presente artículo se analizan las relaciones entre las normas concebidas desde la burocracia que amarran el futuro de las universidades públicas a sus intereses particulares representados en los Consejos Superiores, a través, de por lo menos dos figuras: la discrecionalidad y la delegabilidad en la Sociedad del Conocimiento que nos invita a construir, desde la prospectiva, los escenarios de las universidades del futuro, dónde, las normas arropan el ejercicio de la democracia en la transformación positiva del bienestar social.


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How to Cite
Vera Silva, A. A. (2001). Elementos para una prospectiva de la universidad colombiana en la sociedad del conocimiento. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 6, 11–22. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.2001.6.e206
Author Biography

Alhim Adonaí Vera Silva, Surcolombiana University

Since 1977 I have participated in teaching, research, social projection and innovation processes, in physical and virtual classrooms; in training of trainers; in interdisciplinary research teams; in the direction of face-to-face and virtual postgraduate theses. I have leadership and expertise for the development of inter-institutional projects with the academic sector, the productive world, the political sector and with social representation organizations. I led with ITESM a line of research on virtual playful strategies in the acquisition and development of competencies for the knowledge society in the master's degree in Educational Technology and Innovative Means for Education, ITESM - UNAB agreement, with Mexico. I have done two international internships in Spain, one at the University of La Laguna Tenerife with Dr. Manuel Area Moreira (2913) and another at the University of Malaga with Dr. Ángel Pérez Gómez (2015). My academic passion is the design of the curriculum in the knowledge society. Authors are emerging who argue that current education is characterized by a rigidity of such magnitude that students of the 21st century will have great difficulties in facing the uncertainties inherent to postmodernity and begin to propose new epistemological visions to assume the complexity of reality, establishing differences between a rigid education and flexible education that tends to respond to uncertainty, complexity, intersubjectivity, the ephemeral to the liquid from the exercise of the autonomy of the students. The postulate learn to learn, will be transformed into learning to unlearn, to learn permanently through the length and breadth of life; Knowledge networks will gradually erase their borders and will become direct sources of autonomous learning for students, teachers and society through Case-Based Learning (ABC), Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Project-Based Learning (ABPP). ). As an artist activity, I have published books of poetry and stories: “Thirty-three reflections and a silence” and “Destellosde modernidad”; in the field of short stories: "University maneuvers to straighten an almost perfect madman", "Under the sign of twilight" and "The immortal smile of death"


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