La libertad de información en Rumanía durante la guerra fría

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Patricia González Aldea


Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej inauguró en 1947 como líder del Partido Comunista Rumano (PCR) la Guerra Fría en Rumanía. Una oscura era de terror y represión, con diversos altibajos, que estaría presente durante más de cuatro décadas: tanto bajo su mandato (hasta su muerte en 1965), como bajo el de su sucesor, Nicolae Ceaușescu (1965-1989).


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González Aldea, P. (2000). La libertad de información en Rumanía durante la guerra fría. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 5, 22–36.
Author Biography

Patricia González Aldea, Complutense University of Madrid

Degree in Information Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid, 1994) and PhD in Information Sciences, (Department of Public International Law and International Relations of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1999).

Master in Radio, from Radio Nacional de España, from the Complutense University of Madrid (1996), Diploma in Higher Studies of National Defense, CESEDEN (2009), and Higher Degree in "The new strategic scene of Security and Defense: crime organized as a threat ", CESEDEN (2010).

Since February 2008, he has been working in the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Carlos III University of Madrid, where he teaches, among others, the subject of International Journalism I: global information.

His main line of research revolves around the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, their integration into international organizations, and migratory processes in these countries. Holder of the Higher Cycle of the Romanian language, the Official School of Languages ​​of Madrid (1995-2000), has published a book in Romanian language, and taught at the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Geography of the University of Craiova (2005 ), in Romania, as well as in the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, of Vytautas Magnus University (2009), in Kaunas, Lithuania.

From 2009-2011 he has participated in a research project on trends in television and youth consumption in Spain (OCENDI), the results of which have been presented at conferences and published in prestigious academic journals. He is responsible for new projects at the Observatory of Leisure and Digital Entertainment (OCENDI).

From 2011-2013 he is part of the research team of the R&D project entitled: “Migrations from Eastern Europe to Spain in the border geopolitical context: circulatory mobility and return”, MIGREST.


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