Investigación/research la perspectiva. Del renacimiento al 3-D

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José-María Castillo-Pomeda
Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino


El concepto de perspectiva nos es hoy tan familiar que incluso lo empleamos en el lenguaje coloquial o periodístico, a veces sin demasiada fortuna. Todos sabemos que perspectiva es el “punto de vista”, la profundidad, la lejanía… Sin olvidar que la “perspectiva aérea” no es ver el paisaje desde un avión…


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How to Cite
Castillo-Pomeda, J.-M., & Ortiz Sobrino, M. Ángel. (2000). Investigación/research la perspectiva. Del renacimiento al 3-D. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 5, 36–51.
Author Biographies

José-María Castillo-Pomeda, Francisco de Vitoria University

Doctor in Audiovisual Communication and graduate in Business Sciences and professor of production at the Francisco de Vitoria University, he has published the book "Luz, smarthpone, ¡Acción!" where it gives the keys to obtain a professional audiovisual result with a mobile.

Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino, Francisco de Vitoria University

He has a Degree in Journalism and a Degree in Visual and Auditory Image Sciences and a Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Official Master's Degree in Humanities from the Francisco de Vitoria University and Diploma in Media Research from the AIMC. Linked to RTVE since 1977, he has held, among others, the positions of Head of Radio 5 Programs, Subdirector of Territorial Stations of RNE and Subdirector of Program Planning of RNE. Between 2000 and 2009 he directed the Official Institute of Radio and Television. He has also been Deputy Director of Radio Televisión Madrid and Head of Programs of Onda Madrid.

He has extensive teaching experience in university settings. He has been a professor at the San Pablo-CEU University and at the Rey Juan Carlos University. He has directed, from 1989 to 2009, the Master of Radio Universidad Complutense / RNE.

Currently, he is a professor in the Informative Business area at the Complutense University of Madrid and Delegate for Medialab / Info-radio of the Faculty of Information Sciences of that University. For more than a decade he has been working in the following lines of research: Television and Children; Women and the Media; Professional profiles in Radio; Financing of radio and television; Formats and techniques of radio communication.

He is the author of more than 40 publications and articles related to the field of communication. He has also participated and directed summer courses for the last fifteen years in the main Spanish universities: Rey Juan Carlos University, Complutense University of Madrid and Pablo de Olavide University, among others. He is also a collaborating member of the EBU Information Service. His last publication, in 2011, is the book "Radio 3.0 A new radio for a new era", of which he is editor.


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