Historical reasons for the image of the army to the spanish society

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Fernando Ramos


The new conception of the Spanish Army since instrument to the service of the reason of the international peace has helped to form a new image that overcomes all the topics and the prejudices so generalized between the citizens on the armed institution. Inside this frame, this one tries to be a reflection documented on the image that the Spanish have had traditionally of his Armies, particularly of that of Earth, as consequence of the repeated ones dysfunctions of this institution demonstrated in two planes: on the one hand, the proper inefficiency and professional incompetence of the Army at the moment of expiring satisfactorily, inside his specific area, the missions that I had entrusted, at the time that they were sacrificing themselves uselessly and repeatedly thousands of human lives; for other one, gendarme's role of his own people, of force of occupation opened on the national territory, not for the defense of the same one before an external enemy, but to conspire any movement of the so called “enemigo interior”.   






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How to Cite
Ramos, Fernando. 1999. “Historical reasons for the image of the army to the spanish society”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 4 (December):29-44. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.1999.4.e216.
Author Biography

Fernando Ramos, Vigo University

He has a doctorate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University and professor of Law and Information Deontology at the University of Vigo since 1995.

He practiced journalism for 30 years in the main written media in Galicia. Likewise, he has been a correspondent in Galicia for national and international agencies and magazines.

He participated in the elaboration of the Code of Ethics of the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain, of whose steering committee he was a member.

In addition to the Law and Ethics of Communication, he works and researches in the field of institutional Communication. He is the author of 21 books on both subjects and numerous scientific articles.

He is a visiting professor, teaches specialization courses and has carried out research stays at Universities in Ibero-America, especially in Argentina, Venezuela, Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru and Brazil. As a teacher, he is and has been linked to various postgraduate courses on his specialty at the Complutense University, La Laguna, Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, ​​Santiago, A Coruña and Seville.


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