Las condiciones de vida de las mujeres en las ciudades del “tercer mundo”

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Antonio Martín Cabello


El objetivo de este artículo es describir el impacto del proceso de urbanización en las condiciones de vida de las mujeres que residen en ciudades en los países económicamente menos desarrollados. En primer lugar, se muestra el crecimiento de los asentamientos urbanos en los países del “Tercer Mundo”. En segundo lugar, las consecuencias medioambientales del crecimiento de las ciudades. En tercer lugar, se discute el papel de la industrialización en relación con el medioambiente urbano. Finalmente, se analiza el impacto de los desarrollos urbanos en las vidas de las mujeres.


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How to Cite
Martín Cabello, A. (1999). Las condiciones de vida de las mujeres en las ciudades del “tercer mundo”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información, 4, 68–74.
Author Biography

Antonio Martín Cabello, Pontifical University of Salamanca

I have published several articles in scientific journals such as RIS, RES, Arbor, Option, Obets, Historia y Comunicación Social, Athenea Digital, Cuadernos de Turismo, RIPS, Sociological Práxis, Barataria, Sociedad y Utoía, Aposta or Revista de Antropología Experimental. I have also published, as author or coordinator, several scientific monographs and chapters in scientific books, as well as Working Papers and bibliographic reviews. I have participated in competitive funded research and research contracts. As a result of this work, I have been recognized for two six-year research by the CNEAI.

I did postdoctoral research stays at the Alberto Hurtado University (Santiago de Chile) and at the Humbolt Universität zu Berlin (Germany), under competitive mobility programs. At present I am a member of the URJC's excellence group, editor of the methaodos magazine. Journal of Social Sciences and I have been a reviewer, among others, in the Qualitative Sociology, Alteridades, RIPS, Praxis Sociológica or Barataria journals. Before entering the university career, I held various positions in professional activities within companies such as British Telecom, Grupo Bergé Logística or Asitur and as a freelance occupational trainer.

My main lines of research are Cultural Studies and Sociology of Culture and, in the Today, the Theory of Globalization. Regarding Cultural Studies, to which I have dedicated a good part of my production, I have published a pioneering monograph in Spain on the Birmingham School and British cultural studies, and I have dedicated various scientific articles to its most prominent representatives. I have published a scientific monograph on the sociology of culture, a teaching manual and various articles on social memory.

Currently, I am working on the theory of globalization, using the theoretical framework of cultural studies, emphasizing the study from two global groups: backpacker tourists and corporate expats, and on their particular subcultures. To all this we should add some articles derived from private research in which, in any case, I have always contributed the perspective of Cultural Studies, rarely used in our country, although widely used within the Anglo-Saxon academic universe.


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