Racionalidad y lenguaje

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Carmen Gaona Pisonero


Este texto integra una visión lineal de los giros lingüísticos estableciendo entre ellos un nexo de conexión: el lugar que ocupa o el papel que desempeña la razón en ellos, pese a la aparente necesaria ausencia de ésta en el lenguaje, desde una perspectiva wittgensteniana. Tomamos por tanto como eje temático lenguaje simbólico versus razón, para entender cómo actúa o cómo está en aparente ausencia la razón en el giro lingüístico analítico, en el giro pragmático, en el giro hermenéutico y en el giro pragmático- trascendental. Los frutos de dicha reflexión repercutirán en nuestra comprensión como seres comunicativos y por ende como seres culturales, desde una perspectiva comunicativa de la cultura.


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How to Cite
Gaona Pisonero, Carmen. 1997. “Racionalidad y lenguaje”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 2 (November):40-47. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.1997.2.e227.
Author Biography

Carmen Gaona Pisonero, San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University

Professor in the Department of Communication I, of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Doctor in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona (UB). She currently works as a Professor of Information Theory at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

As a visiting professor, at various centers such as the University of Amiens, the University of Bicocca (Milan), the LabComplex (UNAM-Mexico), the University of Strasbourg and the University of Porto, she has given seminars on: “The transformation of the concept of body in the European urban space ”,“ Cultural mediation in the construction of the news ”,“ Models of interpersonal communication ”,“ Reflection of immigration from the mass media ”.

His line of research has focused on four priority themes: Immigration, Intercultural Communication, Health, and Use and effects of New Technologies in the child and adolescent population. His lines of research are: Childhood and ICT, Intercultural Communication, Role of the family in health care, Rural development, Immigration, Anthropology of the body, Health policy analysis, Cyberculture, Communicative practices and identity, Urban tribes and Collective Memory


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