Preventing the spread of fake news during the covid-19 pandemic in spain. From the criminalization to the promotion of information literacy
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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the issue of the spread of fake news and hoaxes, posing a serious threat to public health. The need for truthful and reliable information is critical in times of health crisis, justifying the adoption of measures to prevent and combat misinformation. Methodology: The article proposes a critical analysis of penalization as a measure against the spread of fake news and hoaxes during the pandemic, suggesting informational literacy as an alternative strategy. Results: Penalizing the creation and dissemination of false news presents ethical, legal, and democratic issues. It is argued that raising awareness of the risks of false news and teaching how to identify and prevent their spread is more effective. Discussion: The relevance of informational hygiene and literacy as key strategies to combat the spread of false information is discussed, requiring the active participation of governments, media, and citizens. Conclusions: Promoting informational literacy and public awareness about fake news are presented as more appropriate measures than penalization to address misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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