The work of verification of news from the communication department. A case study in the agri-food sector
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Introduction: This study focuses on the importance of news and information verification by communication departments of companies and organizations, to counter misinformation and rumors that can originate both internally and externally. Methodology: The research is based on the case study of the Dcoop cooperative, using direct observation, content analysis, and questionnaires aimed at partners and employees to design an effective strategy against misinformation and rumors. Results: The necessity of a strengthened communication strategy that involves all stakeholders is highlighted, along with a proposal for organization and an action protocol specific to the company's Communication area. Discussion: The importance of ongoing communication and transparency as fundamental pillars to combat misinformation and strengthen the company or institution's credibility is discussed. Conclusions: The research concludes with the proposal to reinforce communication strategies and the implementation of clear action protocols as key solutions to fight against misinformation and rumors, ensuring the active involvement of various stakeholders.
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