Interactivity in social networks to create relationships of trust: Navarra City Councils in transit

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Oroitz Zabala-Cia
Francisco Lorenzo-Sola
Toni González-Pacanowski


Introduction: Public institutions, particularly municipalities, play a crucial role in meeting the needs of citizens and the territory. The advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has led to an interconnected society where symmetrical bidirectional interaction becomes the ideal of public relations and social media. Methodology: A mixed methodology combining quantitative techniques (surveys and content analysis) and qualitative techniques (in-depth interviews) is used to investigate the strategic use of social media by municipalities in Navarra with more than 10,000 inhabitants, their interaction with citizens on these platforms, and the professional profile of those managing them. Results: There is a widespread implementation of social media in the municipalities of Navarra, albeit with an emerging strategic planning, a lack of trained professionals, and a shortage of technical resources. Discussion: The importance of effective and strategic public communication in the digital age is discussed, highlighting the challenges municipalities face in adapting to new communicational paradigms. Conclusions: The municipalities of Navarra show widespread use of social media, but there is a need to move towards a more strategic, professionalized management with adequate resources to maximize the potential of these tools for the benefit of citizens.


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How to Cite
Zabala-Cia, Oroitz, Francisco Lorenzo-Sola, and Toni González-Pacanowski. 2022. “Interactivity in social networks to create relationships of trust: Navarra City Councils in transit”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 27 (January).
Author Biographies

Oroitz Zabala-Cia, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Graduated in Journalism in 2009 from the Universidad del País Vasco and Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication, protocol, and events at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. In his Master's Thesis, he has researched how the largest city councils in Navarra use social networks, the first time that a study of these characteristics has been carried out in the autonomous community. For 10 years he has worked in the communication office of a political organization, has coordinated its communication in various electoral campaigns, and has collaborated with various territorial media. He is currently a communication advisor for city councils.

Francisco Lorenzo-Sola, Universidad de Alicante

Ph.D. from the Universidad de Alicante, Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations (Universidad de Alicante), and Bachelor of Journalism (Universidad de Murcia). He is a specialist in institutional communication and relations with the media, serving for 24 years as a spokesperson in Public Administration. Vice President of Public Relations of the Illustrious Official College of Advertising and Public Relations of the Valencian Community. Author of twenty scientific articles (published in impact magazines) and book chapters. He participates in teaching innovation and R+D+i projects. Professor at the Universidad de Alicante (Department of Communication and Social Psychology). For 8 years, academic tutor in the Vice-Dean of External Business Practices of the same University. Professor-Collaborator of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Toni González-Pacanowski, Universidad de Alicante

He is a Full Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology of the Universidad de Alicante, (UA) of Spain. His research focuses on online audiences in the public health communication environment. He is the author of various books related to medical communication and articles that address the relationship between the audiences involved in the social interaction generated by health professionals, the population, and the media. He is part of the COSOCO Research Group of the UA. MBA from the UB and Master’s Degree in Communication Management, he has been a visiting professor at the University of Rabat and various international centers, of the Master’s Degree in Search Engines at UPF, and a researcher at IESE, Barcelona. He collaborates as a researcher in official projects of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain. Professionally, he has developed his activity in companies such as Unidad Editorial and McCann Erickson in Barcelona.


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