Leadership and the personalisation of politics. Sánchez and Casado in the 2019 general elections: the role of mainstream television channels in bipartisanship

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Anastasia-Ioana Pop
Benjamín Marín Pérez
Javier Pérez-Sánchez


Introduction: This article examines the television coverage of the main leaders and parties in Spain's 2019 general elections, aiming to analyze how the leading networks, TVE, Antena 3, and Telecinco, treated the electoral campaigns in their prime-time news. The objective is to assess their contribution to the personalization of politics and determine if they favor the media positioning of some parties over others. Methodology: A quantitative method was used to identify common elements in the coverage, complemented by a qualitative analysis of the news content. A total of 266 news pieces were analyzed, considering mentions of candidates and parties, the narration of the presenter, voice-over, labeling, image content, and interventions by the leaders. Results: Television networks tend to give more prominence to leaders over parties, with a notable preference for Pablo Casado (PP) and Pedro Sánchez (PSOE). The analyzed news broadcasts grant more importance to the leaders of PSOE and PP compared to those of other political forces, thus supporting the bipartisanship dynamic in Spain. Discussion: The impact of media coverage on the public perception of political leaders and parties, as well as its possible influence on the maintenance of bipartisanship, is discussed. Conclusions: The television coverage of the 2019 general elections has contributed to the personalization of politics and favored the main traditional parties, reinforcing bipartisanship in the Spanish political landscape.


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How to Cite
Pop, Anastasia-Ioana, Benjamín Marín Pérez, and Javier Pérez-Sánchez. 2023. “Leadership and the personalisation of politics. Sánchez and Casado in the 2019 general elections: the role of mainstream television channels in bipartisanship”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 28 (June):56-76. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.2023.28.e282.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Anastasia-Ioana Pop, University of Valencia

Anastasia-Ioana Pop is a PhD candidate at the Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences, Area of Journalism, University of Valencia. She graduated in Journalism (2015) and has a MA in Public Relation (2017) from Faculty of Political Science, Administration and Communication, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania. She also obtained a Law Degree in 2015. Now, she is a member of the research group ‘Mediaflows’. Anastasia’s research interests are in: digital communication, media representation of migration, and political discourse.

Benjamín Marín Pérez, University of Valencia

Benjamín Marín Pérez holds a degree in Journalism from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a PhD in Journalism from the UCM. He holds an EMBA from ESIC and a Master in Social Communication of Scientific Research from VIU. He has been an associate professor of Journalism at the University of Valencia since 2003. He was also a journalist, editor and presenter at Canal 9 and won the ONDAS Award 2007. He is currently Dircom & Marketing of the Valencian public radio and television. His research focuses on television, political communication and the communication of companies and organizations.


Javier Pérez-Sánchez, European University of Madrid

Javier Pérez-Sánchez holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from Universidad Europea de Madrid. He is professor in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Journalism since 2009 at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the UEM. He is currently the director of the Master's Degree in Audiovisual Content Creation and Management UE- Mediaset España and co-director of the Shooting Minds university film production clinic. Javier is also member of the University of Valencia’s ‘Mediaflows’ research group.


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