The Grady Twins(The Shining): Paradigm of a new Perspective of Study on Stanley Kubrick

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Enrique Pérez Romero


Introduction: The iconographic decantation of the Grady Twins as characters from the film The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980), as well as their influence on mass culture, is analyzed. Its paradigmatic status of a new study perspective for Kubrick's work is determined, including his photographic corpus and the impact of the plastic arts-mechanical arts-mass culture continuum. Methodology: We proceed to divide Kubrick's work into photography and cinema, and make use of comparative aesthetics, to interrelate the contents of the three parts of the aforementioned continuum. The method of «shot by shot» analysis is applied to his films, based on a complete taxonomy of all the shots he shot. Results: The main consequences of the work are: a) verifying the need to consider photography as a relevant part of Kubrick's authorial corpus; b) demonstrate the explanatory capacity of the mentioned continuum with respect to its film corpus; and c) make clear the need to deepen the strong interrelationship between Kubrick's work and mass culture. Discussion: Given the above, it is necessary to disengage Stanley Kubrick from reductionist models (author's theory, genre theory, historicism, textual analysis) and apply the new perspective that is proposed. Conclusions: In the end we find a new investigative space of great fertility, which opens up the state of the question on the study of Kubrick, and which will allow us to delve without limits into his relevance and influence as a visual creator.


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How to Cite
Pérez Romero, Enrique. 2023. “The Grady Twins(The Shining): Paradigm of a new Perspective of Study on Stanley Kubrick”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 28 (September):148-73.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Enrique Pérez Romero, Complutense University of Madrid

Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations (Complutense University of Madrid) (2022). Research and Archive Manager, Extremadura Film Archive (Junta de Extremadura) (since 2007).

Summary of Publications:

- "2001: A Space Odyssey," a Paradigm of the Cinema of the Sublime (2020), Zer, 25(48), 13-39. Two other articles in indexed journals.

- "A Film for Everyone and No One: Philosophy in 2001" (2014). In J.A. Planes Pedreño and J. F. Montero, The Universe of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Arkadin Ediciones. Eleven other articles in collective books.

- The Worker's Struggle in Cinema (editor) (2011). Arkadin Ediciones. Four other books as author or editor.

- "Lolita" (2009). Versión Original, 175, 20-24. Over a hundred more articles in periodic publications focused on audiovisual topics.

Orcid ID:

Google Scholar:






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