Sex education in TV series: Sex Education as a case study

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Aurora Forteza Martínez


Introduction: The rise and apogee of video-on-demand platforms have contributed, to a great extent, to modify the audiovisual reality as it was known to date. Within this audiovisual context, television series are a television genre that enjoys great popularity among the audience, with those aimed at teenagers and young people standing out. Methodology: This research study was based on a qualitative methodology based on the analysis of the content of a television series, as well as the characters, analysing the educational-communicative aspects of sex education in the series Sex Education. Results: It should be noted that the main themes of the series revolve around sexual relations between adolescents, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancies, among others; while, among the characters, the most numerous groups are that of family members, with adolescents having the greatest interpretative weight. Discussion: It can be seen how the series Sex Education presents a similar pattern to other television series aimed at teenage audiences, showing themes based on friendship or sexual relations, among others. Conclusions: Sex Education presents sex education to adolescents from an educommunicative point of view, offering appropriate and easily understandable teachings.


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How to Cite
Forteza Martínez, Aurora. 2023. “Sex education in TV series: Sex Education as a case study”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 28 (July):99-119.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Aurora Forteza Martínez, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Aurora Forteza Martínez is a PhD Candidate in the Inter-University Doctoral Communication Program at Huelva University in the Media Literacy line. MA in Information and Communication Technology in Education and Digital Learning (Nebrija University), and BA in Primary Education and Foreign Languages - English (Camilo José Cela University) and BA in Infant Education (Castilla - La Mancha University). Member of Icono 14 group.


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