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Olga Sánchez-González
Alba Moya Cano
Carlos Moreno Clemente


Introduction: Sensory marketing applied to Tourism seeks to provide novelty and value through the design of experiences based on the use and empowerment of the senses. In the present study, an investigation is carried out focused on the analysis of a fragrance with the aim of motivating students, their creativity and inducing critical thinking. Through the study, students are proposed to reflect on the perceptions and memories evoked and their application in the labor market. Methodology: From a positivist paradigm, it tries to explain the reality of the participating subjects and describe the importance of the influence of sensations and memories associated with an olfactory experience within the transversality of a subject. Through the use of a mixed research methodology, the great influence of sociodemographic variables and the association of memories with the fragrance are evident, arousing the interest and motivation of the students. Results: Exposure to an olfactory stimulus complements the learning of the content, and the development of transversal skills and competences in students of different higher education degrees. A notable influence of olfactory perception on different sociodemographic variables is evident. Discussion: The experiential learning of the feelings and memories associated with a fragrance helps the development of critical thinking in students for its application in the labor market. Conclusions: This innovative activity allows the development of skills helping to understand the subjective perception of individuals and the importance of olfactory experiences as communication tools at a professional level within the field of Tourism and Marketing.


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Sánchez-González, Olga, Alba Moya Cano, and Carlos Moreno Clemente. 2024. “THE APPLICATION OF OLFACTORY MARKETING AS AN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSVERSAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES WITHIN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 29 (January).
Challenges of Neuromarketing in the Academic Field
Author Biographies

Olga Sánchez-González, Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA)

PhD in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations (UCM). Bachelor's Degree in Tourism. Bachelor's Degree in Event Organization and Management. Master's Degree in Protocol Management, Production, Organization and Design of Events. Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. 

Principal investigator of the Scientific Observatory of Events group, which was created as a line of research after the completion of the doctoral thesis Protocol, communication and security in the organization of events (2017) at the Complutense University of Madrid. Research member of the GITUROMA (Tourism, Leisure and Aquatic Environment) group at the Camilo José Cela University. Research member of the group Education and Critical Thinking: The Challenge of Integrating Them into Student Education (UEM).

Alba Moya Cano, Europea of Madrid University

PhD student in the Research Program in Law, Education and Development (Pegaso International University). Graduated in Tourism and Primary Education. Master's Degree in Teacher Training. Professor of Vocational Training of different modules within the branch of Hospitality and Tourism and Education at the European University of Madrid. Member of the Icono14 Scientific Observatory of Events Research Group.

Carlos Moreno Clemente, Oberta of Catalunya University

He holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid, a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University, and a Master's Degree in Private Security Management from the University of Barcelona. University lecturer and speaker, with academic activity focused on the fields of communication, events, tourism, security and prevention. Member of the Research Group Scientific Observatory of Events of the Association


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