Digital Communication: Strategy in Health Literacy

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Anabela Félix Mateus
Lourenço Dias da Silva


Introduction: This article focuses on the relevance of Digital Literacy in the field of Health and the role of Digital Communication in disease prevention and health promotion among citizens. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used, relying on the collection of documentary information and interviews with experts in the area (qualified informants). Moreover, real-life cases were presented to reinforce the conclusions obtained. Results: A concern was identified from the World Health Organization regarding the need for information and training using digital means, emphasizing mobile health. There was also a trend observed among academic and commercial institutions to prioritize the use of digital media, particularly smartphones, and the importance of 5G to facilitate connections in hard-to-reach areas. Discussion: The research highlights the growing importance of digital media in the field of health, especially concerning disease prevention and health promotion. The significance of 5G and smartphones is underlined, offering connection opportunities in previously inaccessible areas. Conclusions: The use of digital means in communication management is essential for effective Health Literacy, which in turn can significantly contribute to a better quality of life for citizens.




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Félix Mateus, Anabela, and Lourenço Dias da Silva. 2023. “Digital Communication: Strategy in Health Literacy”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 28 (October).
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Anabela Félix Mateus, Cepese-Universidade do Porto e FCT

He began his academic career as a lecturer in the field of Communication (Marketing, Public Relations, Organizational Communication, Journalism) and Corporate Sociology in the 1980s, based on his studies in the Bachelor's degree in Social Communication and Master's degree in Sociology. His research interests quickly turned to Communication in Organizations. As a specialist in Public Relations, he had the first Master's dissertation published by a public university in this field in Portugal. He has been an integrated researcher of the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) since its creation in the 1980s and has been affiliated with various research centers in Portugal, Brazil, and Spain. He obtained his PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain); Postdoctoral degrees from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and University of Beira Interior (Portugal). Recently, he completed a Postgraduate program in Digital Strategic Communication at the ISCSP of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). His research interests focus particularly on areas of Internal Communication and Management, with his most recent research focusing on "Health and Well-being" and "tourism and Hospitality" activities. Notably, he has also been involved in recent projects related to Digital Communication and Communication Networks.


Lourenço Dias da Silva, CBS - ESGCS. Moçambique

He graduated in Legal Sciences in 2002 from the Universidade Politécnica de Moçambique. For the completion of his Master's degree in Legal and Economic Sciences, he presented the Dissertation "Transnational Companies and Market Access" in 2004, in collaboration between the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL). He completed his Ph.D. in Global Management at ISCTE-IUL in 2009, a qualification later recognized by the Government of the Republic of Mozambique, which simultaneously approved the creation of the Escola Superior de Gestão Corporativa e Social (ESGCS), an associate of Corporate Business School (CBS), of which he is the President. His research interests have always focused on the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, with a focus on active participation for people's qualification. In parallel, his professional life involves Legal Advisory, Management Advisory, and Advisory on Social Projects in the domains of the social, public, and private sectors.



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