Marketing and Neuromarketing applied to the business and financial sector as the subject of the academic field of communication in Spain: an approach to its study from books as bibliographic sources

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Sandro Arrufat-Martin
Rainer Rubira-García
Paulino Archilla-García


Introduction: Marketing and neuromarketing have seen significant growth since the end of the last century, particularly in advertising and organizational communication. Despite their incorporation into large corporations, there is still a lack of awareness about these techniques among many professionals. Methodology: This analysis is based on a literature review and case studies on neuromarketing in Spain, highlighting active research by a quarter of Spanish universities in this field. Results: It has been identified that human decisions tend to be more emotional than rational, especially in financial contexts, underscoring the importance of neuromarketing in understanding neural responses to advertising stimuli and their impact on brand perception. Discussion: The growth of literature in neuromarketing, with a notable increase in publications by leading publishers such as Paidós, Gedisa, Sage, and Prentice-Hall, reflects the field's growing academic and applied relevance. Conclusions: As neuromarketing continues to establish itself in the academic realm, its adoption in the industry, particularly in the financial and business sectors, is likely to increase, promoting a deeper understanding of emotional dynamics in consumer decision-making.


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How to Cite
Arrufat-Martin, Sandro, Rainer Rubira-García, and Paulino Archilla-García. 2024. “Marketing and Neuromarketing applied to the business and financial sector as the subject of the academic field of communication in Spain: an approach to its study from books as bibliographic sources”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 29 (January).
Challenges of Neuromarketing in the Academic Field
Author Biographies

Sandro Arrufat-Martin, King Juan Carlos University

Doctor Cum Laude in Communication Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University (2021). Master's in Protocol, Communication, and Comprehensive Event Management from the URJC (2018) and Master's in Corporate Communication Management from EAE Business School (2017). Bachelor's degree in Journalism from UDIMA (2016).

Currently, an associate professor at Rey Juan Carlos University through a competitive process in the Department of Communication and Sociology, teaching in the degrees of Journalism; Audiovisual Communication; Protocol, Event Management and Corporate Communication; Advertising and Public Relations and in the Double Degree in Advertising and Public Relations - Business Administration. He teaches at the Master's level at EAE Business School in subjects such as Strategic Media Planning; Communication Policies and Community Management and CSR, as well as a postgraduate teacher at the Madrid Chamber of Commerce in the subjects of Communication and Corporate Image and Networks and Social Media of the Professional Master in Marketing and Communication Management.

Orcid ID:

Rainer Rubira-García, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Rey Juan Carlos University.

Doctorate from Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain, with the highest qualification, International Mention and Extraordinary Doctoral Award. Master in Communication and Sociocultural Problems from the same institution. Bachelor's degree in Social Communication from the University of Havana, Cuba. He is currently the coordinating researcher of the UNESCO Chair in Communication Research at Rey Juan Carlos University. He has been a professor at Fairfield University, Connecticut, United States; Šiauliai State College, Šiauliai, Lithuania; at the Complutense University of Madrid; at the Central University of Ecuador and at the University of Havana.

Orcid ID:

Paulino Archilla-García, King Juan Carlos University

Enthusiast of neuroscience and its application to behavioral economics and consumer behavior. I incorporate the latest advances in brain research into my current educational approach, thus discussing neuro-sales, neuromarketing, and neuro-leadership. Teacher, Speaker, Coach, and Facilitator. Currently, I am the Deputy Director of Training and Commercial Development at MAPFRE Spain and a Lecturer at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid.


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