New scientific dissemination applications for university students: Tinder
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Introduction: The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the Tinder dating application in conjunction with Instagram as a promotional tool for scientific events. The primary focus is to determine whether these platforms can effectively capture the attention of university students and encourage their participation in scientific events. Methodology: A quantitative methodology is implemented, centering on the collection and analysis of metrics obtained from digital platforms during the scientific outreach campaign of the "Match ICMol" event in 2023, organized by the Institute of Molecular Science. Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of Tinder and Instagram in promoting scientific events. Confirm the potential of these platforms as new communication tools. Capture the attention of university students and foster their participation in scientific events. Results: The findings demonstrate notable success: the Tinder profile generated over 100 matches in two days, there was a significant increase in Instagram followers (from 8 to 439), and event spaces were fully booked, in contrast to previous editions. Discussion: In conclusion, the results indicate that the use of unconventional platforms, supported by innovative strategies, can increase participation among university students and provide greater visibility to scientific institutes. This approach could be considered an effective tool for future scientific outreach initiatives, emphasizing the importance of adapting to modern platforms and implementing innovative approaches to maximize the impact of scientific promotion among the university audience.
To this end, a quantitative methodology is applied that focuses on the collection and analysis of metrics obtained from the digital platforms used in the promotion of the scientific dissemination campaign of the "Match ICMol" event organized by the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol). in 2023. The Tinder profile generated more than 100 matches in two days, increasing followers on Instagram from 8 to 439 and the available places were sold out, in contrast to previous editions. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of unconventional platforms for scientific dissemination.
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