Reaction and denial propaganda on social media The Andalusian parties on YouTube

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Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla
María del Mar Rubio-Hernández
Jorge David Fernández Gómez
Julieti Sussi de Oliveira


Introduction: For political organizations, social media, far from being a space for dialogue with citizens, have become another tool for unidirectional communication. Thus, this paper aims to deepen the propagandistic use of YouTube by political parties, focusing the case study on Andalusia, the Spanish region with the largest population and the first where the far-right party Vox achieved influential parliamentary representation. Methodology: Specifically, a content analysis was applied to 999 videos published throughout 2020 by political parties with representation in the Andalusian Parliament, considering variables such as the presence of the party symbols, the type of propaganda used and the reference to a rival political party. Results: Considering the foregoing, the results are discussed in terms of de-ideologization, populism, and the reduction of programmatic ideas. Conclusions: We find differences in the type of propaganda used (with emphasis on reaction and denial propaganda), pointing to a significant inability of political parties to propose alternatives, which is related to the rise of populism and the pseudo-abandonment of ideology.


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Hernández-Santaolalla, Víctor, María del Mar Rubio-Hernández, Jorge David Fernández Gómez, and Julieti Sussi de Oliveira. 2024. “Reaction and denial propaganda on social media: The Andalusian parties on YouTube”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 29 (May).
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla, Universidad de Sevilla

Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla is Associate Professor of the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Department of the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain). He holds a PhD (obtaining the Outstanding Doctorate Award) in Communication Studies. His research interests focus on the effects of mass communication, political communication, propaganda, ideology and popular culture, surveillance and social media, and the analysis of advertising discourse. He is the principal investigator of the LIGAINCOM research group (SEJ694). He has published papers in in publishing houses such as Emerald, Routledge or Peter Lang, and international journals like Information, Communication and Society, Journal of Popular Culture, Sexuality & Culture, Surveillance & Society or European Journal of Communication, among others. Recently, he has published a book on the effects of mass media, and has edited another on transmedia storytelling, audience engagement, and business strategies.

María del Mar Rubio-Hernández, Universidad de Sevilla

María del Mar Rubio-Hernández holds a PhD in Communication Studies from the Universidad de Sevilla (obtaining the Outstanding Doctorate Award), where she also earned an Advertising and Public Relations degree in 2007. She has visited foreign universities, such as the Erasmushoge School in Brussels and The University of Michigan, where she developed a special interest in the analysis of the advertising discourse. Her scientific activity focuses on collaborations with international communication magazines and conferences; moreover, she has also participated in several collective books about popular TV shows and has also co-edited two books in 2019: one about cultural branding and another about narratives genres in advertising. She combines said research work with teaching at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad de Sevilla since 2011.

Jorge David Fernández Gómez, Universidad de Sevilla

Jorge David Fernández Gómez holds a PhD (obtaining the Outstanding Doctorate Award) in Brand Management, is a lecturer in Communication at Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, and he has been a member of Department of Business Economics in the UCA. He collaborates with different universities such as Bryant University (USA) or Nova (Portugal). He has published thirteen books (McGraw-Hill, Hachette Livre, etc.) and papers in European and American scholarly journals such as New Media and Society. His research interests include brand management, popular culture, advertising strategy and advertising structure. He has worked in advertising for clients like Google, Microsoft, Bankia, P&G, Tio Pepe, or Telefonica.

Julieti Sussi de Oliveira, Universidad de Sevilla

Julieti Sussi de Oliveira holds a PhD in Communication with Cum Laude qualification from the Universidad de Sevilla, and with International Mention by the University of Algarve (Portugal). She is currently lecturer in the Department of Journalism II at the University of Seville. Member of the Research Group on Structure, History and Contents of Communication (GREHCCO, HUM-618), she is the Secretary of the Laboratory of Communication Studies and Editor in Portuguese of Ámbitos. International Journal of Communication. She has authored more than 40 publications on political communication, culture and power.


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