The Problem of the representation in the fine arts in the light of the cultural history

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María Magdalena Ziegler Delgado


The teaching-learning process of art history tends to be enhanced when conceived from the methodology of cultural history. This is because cultural history requires us to see the work of art not only as an artistic fact but also as a historical fact and an aesthetic fact. In other words, as a cultural fact. Traditionally, however, the teaching of art history has been circumscribed as regards the qualities of artistic fact of its object of study. With this, only the possibilities of comprehension/learning of the history of art are limited. It is therefore pertinent to evaluate how cultural history collaborates with the history of art in the understanding of the problems of representation in the Fine Arts, mainly painting. We propose thus to establish cultural history as a lens of increase of the factors that have influenced the so-called «art experience» corresponding to each work, from the application of the methodology of historical-cultural study that refines the inherent information to each work.


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Ziegler Delgado, María Magdalena. 2016. “The Problem of the representation in the fine arts in the light of the cultural history”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 21 (2):1-20.


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