Personal improvement and inspiration art in the natural environment

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María Mónica Rubio Vega
Silvia Viñao Manzanera


With this text, we pursue defend and promote the benefits that nature provides both the individual and the artist; in this case, showing in particular how this affects their inspiration. The first part is an approach to the scientific focusing that identifies intangible benefits into contact with the natural environment, which speaks about the link between man and nature. In the second part, we will study the ways of approaching the artist to nature, citing the case study of the experiences of the artist and painter Silvia Viñao. Finally, we will complete the article exposing how ecological values are transmitted to the viewer through the artwork.


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How to Cite
Rubio Vega, M. M. ., & Viñao Manzanera, S. (2016). Personal improvement and inspiration art in the natural environment. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 21(1), 1–17.



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