Participation in communities of learning as a key element for initial training in the field of inclusive and interculturaleducation

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Martha Orozco Gómez
Sergio Sánchez Fuentes
José Luis Cuesta Gómez
Asunción Cifuentes García
Rosario Ángela Martín Almaraz


This article describes and analyzes the participation of future teachers, currently undergraduate students of Education of the University of Burgos, volunteering at a Learning Community, which, like the others, for their conception of education and the organization and methodology that is plasma, offers a unique platform for the approach to practice, from the University. Also it shows how this participation helps develop a basic training area, consisting of the values and attitudes, which in the current Curriculum Grade Primary are linked to generic skills. The authors conclude that there is a need to coordinate, collaborate and feedback between schools and the university itself in the training of future teachers is given in our country. In addition, the opportunity explicit learning communities are paying for quality training to students in educational classrooms.



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How to Cite
Orozco Gómez, Martha, Sergio Sánchez Fuentes, José Luis Cuesta Gómez, Asunción Cifuentes García, and Rosario Ángela Martín Almaraz. 2016. “Participation in communities of learning as a key element for initial training in the field of inclusive and interculturaleducation”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 21 (1):35-44.


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