Vermeer and Canaletto: precursors of photography. An approach to photographicvision
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Probably, asuming that two painters, two masters without an obvious relation would have been photographers if they have been born in our time is nothing but the header of some sensationalist article. Anyway, what we can say for sure is that Vermeer and Canaletto solved in a photographical way the problems that perspective, invented by the architect Brunelleschi, presented. The two of them used the camera obscura without doubt, besides the fact that they never revealed it. They kept it in secret, not only to preserve their artistic prestige but also because at that time you could be burnt at the stake if some inquisitor mistook science for sorcery. Through this work I will analyze the “photograpic” techniques that both of them used in order to aver that they indeed had a photografic vision of reality.
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Recursos electrónicos:
Hartmann, Sadakichi
Museo Correr. Venecia
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Ciudad de la Pintura