The Academic future of journalism mexicam: the U.A.M.

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David Caldevilla Domínguez
Enrique García García


This article has generic goals towards setting the academic matter's situation about the “Communication sciences and journalism” degree in the sphere the national mexican degrees, classified according to their demand and results in the labour market. Afterwards the degree is observed in the context of the 101 academic offers in the UNAM and their alumni profiles (both soliciters & admitted) and how this keeps being one of the most demanded degrees.


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How to Cite
Caldevilla Domínguez, David, and Enrique García García. 2015. “M”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 20 (December):1-8.
Author Biography

David Caldevilla Domínguez, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor of Bachelor, Doctorate and Degree since 1994 at the Fac, CC..II. from the Complutense with more than 10 subjects in the areas of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations. Principal Investigator of the Complutense Validated Group "Concilium". Professor at the European University of Madrid (Advertising and Public Relations), ESERP (in Journalism and Business), IED (Journalism) and IPAM in Oporto - Portugal - (Master in Marketing). Director of several doctoral theses and TFM in the field of cinemaography and Public Relations. Director of the CUICIID Congresses (International University Congress on Communication in the profession and in today's University: Contents, Research, Innovation and Teaching).

Editor of two scientific journals indexed in IN-RECS and RESH. Author of 6 books: Asturias and La Rioja, a common history, The Spielberg seal, Culture and Public Relations, PR Manual, PR and its foundation and The internal face of business communication. Speaker at more than 70 International Congresses. Guest speaker at academic and professional events. Invited signature in various publications and radio talk show in national media. Marketing director and manager in several companies. "Medal of professional merit" for "Economic news".


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