The Threshold of personal learning
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In any learning process we must bear in mind the existence of a training base in which new knowledge can be related to the knowledge we already have and thus create meaningful learning. For this reason this work, called the threshold of learning, aims to organize the cognitive process through the preparation and shaping of the study site, and planning the learning process with a schedule, so that the student is able to detest those distractions that hinder learning, and to have all the material, cognitive and social elements that can influence positively in their study. Issues such as how to choose the right place to develop learning, choosing furniture, discriminating visual and auditory distractors, being aware of the predisposition of physical and emotional levels in relation to study, are steps that must be done before diving into studying. If spatial planning is relevant, so is the scheduling of study times. Tasks such as developing a study schedule, distributing the schedule, reviewing the material before addressing it are small guidelines to follow that can lead to great results in student training.
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