Reasons of bullfighting programmes consumption in television

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Carmen Marta-Lazo
Javier Pérez-González


This research article pretends to analyse the main arguments why a sector of television audiencein Spain is interested in bullfighting programming content. It also pretends to examine the motivations of those viewers who do not follow this subject, as well as fathom the arguments for rejection or lack of interest.In order to examine these reasons, we have used a qualitative analysis: focus groups. This way, we will know the reasons why a segment of the public selects this type of content. In addition, this qualitative technique will allow us to deepen into a few specific and particular cases to get to know the reason for these actions. Therefore, by analysing the speech of several cases, we will investigate the main reasons whya part of the Spanish society decides to watch or not such programs.


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How to Cite
Marta-Lazo, C., & Pérez-González, J. (2014). Reasons of bullfighting programmes consumption in television. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 19, 55–72.
Author Biography

Carmen Marta-Lazo, Zaragoza University

Degree in journalism. Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Master in Educational Television from the UCM. Master in Radio (public service) by RNE and UCM. Specialist in New Technologies and Education from UNED.


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