Between Languages: The Educational Value of "Interculturality"

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Antonio Candeloro


What does “experience” mean? What does “education” mean? What does it mean to live “between” two (or more) languages, cultures, literary or artistic traditions? In which form do the experiences we live give us the possibility to learn and develop as human beings? The answers to these questions will be found through the narration of the most important personal experiences of the author. This reflection about the importance of being able to adopt the points of view of “others”, leads inevitably to one’s own personal development (beyond one’s own scientific research fields and beyond the made up theories concerning “interculturality” and “education”).


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How to Cite
Candeloro, Antonio. 2017. “Between Languages: The Educational Value of ‘Interculturality’ ”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 22 (1):1-9.
Author Biography

Antonio Candeloro, UCAM

Licenciado en Lenguas y Literaturas Extranjeras, Programa de Doctorado en Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Filología Hispánica, Postgrado en TFA (Tirocionio Formativo Attivo): Habilitación para la Enseñanza de Lengua y Literatura Española. Autor de las obras: Como la nieve resbaladiza. Javier Marías narratore del tempo, Richard Sperber, The Discourse of Flanerie in Antonio Muñoz Molina's Texts, Scrittura riflessa: alcune osservazioni su Jorge Luis Borges, Carmen Martín Gaite e Javier Marías.


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