Thinking the Audiovisual Communication: A Commitment to Promote Mediation for Social Development Research in Colombia

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Luis Ricardo Navarro Díaz
Martha C. Romero-Moreno


This paper offers a proposal of theoretical basis for thinking audiovisual communication for social research. The article begins with the idea of building upon the emancipatory possibility proposed by the critical paradigm of the social sciences. From this perspective, audiovisual narratives are intended as possibilities to generate content and knowledge, as they invite the subject to a process of reflection and analysis on the society in which she or he is involved and the possibility of changes that she or he can generate. Secondly, the text theoretically defines the type of communication on which it is proposed to build the research, in this case, communication for development and social change. Finally, the concepts of participation, public sphere, social tissue and citizenship, are taken as categories from which to propose lines of work and related research topics are postulated.


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Navarro Díaz, L. R. ., & Romero-Moreno, M. C. . (2017). Thinking the Audiovisual Communication: A Commitment to Promote Mediation for Social Development Research in Colombia. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 22(1), 19–30.
Author Biographies

Luis Ricardo Navarro Díaz, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

This paper offers a proposal of theoretical basis for thinking audiovisual communication for social research. The article begins with the idea of building upon the emancipatory possibility proposed by the critical paradigm of the social sciences. From this perspective, audiovisual narratives are intended as possibilities to generate content and knowledge, as they invite the subject to a process of reflection and analysis on the society in which she or he is involved and the possibility of changes that she or he can generate. Secondly, the text theoretically defines the type of communication on which it is proposed to build the research, in this case, communication for development and social change. Finally, the concepts of participation, public sphere, social tissue and citizenship, are taken as categories from which to propose lines of work and related research topics are postulated.

Martha C. Romero-Moreno, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

Universidad Autónoma del Caribe. Programa de Dirección y Producción de Radio y Televisión. Barranquilla, Colombia


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