Analysis of the Coverage of the Homicide, from the Perspective of News Production, The Tabloid “Al Día”

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Isaías Molina Jácome


This article analyzes the news coverage of homicide in the stage production focusing on the elements with which the tabloid ‘Al Día’ (Barranquilla-Colombia) gives prominence to news, and in the values used by reporters to elaborate news. The analysis used as a theoretical basis studies is the sociology of news production or Newsmaking, with a methodology of qualitative and quantitative nature, which crossed a content analysis of 240 news about homicides happened in five years (2008 to May 2012), and six interviews in depth with the team of journalists. It was found that the most important news coverage issue is the fact that more fresh blood, the journalist uses a combination of sources including: relatives, witnesses, authorities and neighbors. Three news values are identified:interest, proximity and impact on society. It is concluded that the authorities do not have the monopoly on information in the case of the murders and that traditional news values also apply to the tabloid media, but there are others such as impact, proximity and impact.


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Molina Jácome, I. . (2017). Analysis of the Coverage of the Homicide, from the Perspective of News Production, The Tabloid “Al Día”. Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 22(2), 37–50.


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