An approach to working spiritual intelligence through coaching techniques

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Elena Alarcón Orozco


Amid the 21st century and in the social moment we are living now, working the complete individual development appears as an educative goal which is difficult to achieve if we only train cognitive and cultural skills. On that basis and from the humanist conception of the individual as a bio-psycho-social-spiritual being, it is our main objective training future teachers ready to deal with all human dimensions, emotional and spiritual capacities included. We have gathered information -using documentary analysis- which have allowed us to contextualize emotional and spiritual intelligences from the point of view of humanist and positive psychology, relating components of both, in order to design an action approach that lets us work -at the same time- emotional and existential skills. For this project we have planned an educational action that uses coaching techniques as tools for developing both skills in educational environment. Thus, by encouraging the progress of these spiritual dimensions and human strengths, we can provide the upbringing of skills and achieve one of the purposes of the educative system.


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How to Cite
Alarcón Orozco, Elena. 2020. “An approach to working spiritual intelligence through coaching techniques”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 25 (2):91-105.
Author Biography

Elena Alarcón Orozco, University of Malaga (CAMMIA)

A Doctor from the University of Malaga and a Bachelor of Psychology. Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology of the Assigned Teaching Center M.ª Inmaculada of the University of Malaga. She develops her teaching work in the training of Infant and Elementary Teachers. Her research career focuses on educational innovation and attention to diversity, specifically in the development of active methodologies, centered on the student and in the resolution of conflicts in the classroom, derived from teamwork. She has worked in the development of various Educational Innovation Projects, including PIE13-067: Attention to diversity, programming from multiple intelligences. She is a member of the research team "TRAINING, Guidance, Employability, Entrepreneurship, Inclusion, and Innovation Group" (FOREMPIN by its acronym in Spanish) (HUM-365) at the University of Malaga.


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