Importance and meaning of coaching and emotional intelligence in itineraries for the employment of people with intellectual disabilities
Main Article Content
Coaching and emotional intelligence are presented as two powerful resources waiting to use in the itineraries for the employment of people with intellectual disabilities. The present article offers us, on one side an introduction to the definition of coaching, basic pillars, professional referents, and how their principles connect – in the context of itineraries for the hiring of people with mental impairment -, with planning focused on the individual and a methodological focus that companies in the social sector are using to deploy the development of life projects and personal empowerment for each and all of the people in this collective. Likewise, an analysis of the definition of emotional intelligence and the importance of this construct is carried out. That is taught in the training activities for hiring itineraries as a “jump-start” to train and capacitate self-learning, self-regulation, decision making, and the ability to establish mutually favourable relationships with others, in all types of environments, particularly in those related to work. With the need to contextualize the aforementioned, a presentation of the concept of intellectual disability and some of the laws that protect a large part of the rights of the group is carried out. And an explanation is given on what is and what defines a work itinerary for people with intellectual impairment, the steps to take, contents, and main objectives, taking as a referent a Social Entity from Madrid that dedicates itself to the well-being of people that are mentally impaired and their families.
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