Taking advantage of the natural environment, a teaching strategy to improve academic performance the young people of the municipality of Otanche-Boyaca

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Laura Patricia Montes Catellanos
Luz Ángela Cuellar


The research presents the application of a didactic strategy that takes advantage of the natural environment present in the San Ignacio de Loyola educational institution, to improve the motivation and academic performance of students in the area of ​​natural sciences. The work was carried out with sixth-grade students; To verify its efficiency, we worked with two groups, a control group, which maintained the traditional methodology used in the institution, and an experimental group, which was exposed to the strategy. In the first place, a survey was applied to the students to know their perception of the pedagogical practices of the area, followed by the application of a diagnostic test to know the previous knowledge regarding the subject to work, in this case, ecosystems, finally, it was implemented The strategy with the experimental group is based on a series of field trips and pedagogical guides that contextualize the topics to be worked on. It was determined that the students feel comfortable with the practices that are developed, however, they show interest in working with innovative methodologies, especially those that involve them directly in their learning process, in terms of academic results, the analysis of the diagnostic test was bold. that the level of knowledge of the students regarding the subject was similar, but after the intervention, the favorable results incline in a large percentage towards the experimental group, evidencing that innovative and contextualized strategies favor academic processes in students.


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How to Cite
Montes Catellanos, Laura Patricia, and Luz Ángela Cuellar. 2020. “Taking advantage of the natural environment, a teaching strategy to improve academic performance the young people of the municipality of Otanche-Boyaca”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 25 (3):19-39. https://doi.org/10.35742/rcci.2020.25(3).19-39.
Author Biographies

Laura Patricia Montes Catellanos, Universidad Santo Tomás

Teacher of natural sciences and environmental education at the San Ignacio de Loyola Educational Institution in the municipality of Otanche, Boyacá, Colombia.

Luz Ángela Cuellar, Universidad Santo Tomas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Research professor at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Santo Tomás University, Tunja section, Professor of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, postgraduate school.


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