The value of the historical documentation in the transmedia storytelling: the case of “The Ministry of Time” (TVE)

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Jorge Miranda-Galbe
Francisco Cabezuelo-Lorenzo


This article proposes the reinforcement of training in skills linked to the History of Spain and Universal History. Both subjects are basic in the training curriculum of future graduates in the field of Audiovisual Communication in the context of transmedia. Only having a solid cultural knowledge and historical and humanistic background, the new professionals of Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication will be able to respond to the challenge of trying to exploit, in the most economic sense of the term, the authentic value and meaning of a quality product, more beyond the obsession with technical perfection or technological innovation.


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How to Cite
Miranda-Galbe, Jorge, and Francisco Cabezuelo-Lorenzo. 2018. “The value of the historical documentation in the transmedia storytelling: the case of ‘The Ministry of Time’ (TVE)”. Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información 23 (1):15-27.


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