Transversality of discourse in social networks and traditional media
Social networks allow different user segments to reveal their motivations, habits and interests by making their demands for products and/or services explicit. Interactivity through Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, among others, facilitates the flow of information minute by minute, including a fertile feedback, so that the actors are obliged to show the best of themselves, of their public image, in each intervention (Barrientos et al., 2019). Networks are already essential for anyone who wants to be interconnected, informed and related to everything that happens beyond their immediate personal environment. However, the mass media, also known as "traditional" media, continue to play a leading role in the provision of knowledge, establishing themselves as a fundamental source for a large part of the population.
The proliferation of platforms, digital media and the move from the unidirectional Web 1.0 to the intuitive and multirelational Web 4.0 have increased the level of dialogic interaction between organisations and audiences, and, even further, between audiences and organisations. This has meant the radical modification of the communicational and relational framework, as it is the organisations themselves, directly and proactively, that seek and even solicit feedback from their users.
The Revista de Ciencias de la Comunicación e Información calls for the submission of articles that analyse, both from the point of view of professional practice and of the purest academic research, the characteristics of the discourse that is offered through social networks: their transversality, their complementary or supplementary relations with traditional media or their discrepancies in form and content. The aim is to establish the communicational advantages/risks/limits that can be produced in this circumstance and the position, reflection and mobilisation of users. The relevance of the quantitative data extracted from the analysis of the use of social networks is interwoven with the emotional or qualitative aspects produced-searched-obtained, so that analysts can contribute their research to the same degree of importance for the creation of an action map.
Keywords: communication, mass media, audiences, social networks, users.
Barrientos-Báez, A., Caldevilla-Domínguez, D. y Vargas-Delgado, J. J. (2019). El protocolo, la puesta en escena y la persuasión en los debates políticos televisados. Redmarka. Revista de Marketing Aplicado, 23(3), 17-27.
Coordinated by:
Dr. David Caldevilla-Domínguez
Lecturer in the Faculty of Information Sciences at the UCM. Speaker and lecturer in various courses and lecturer in several own degrees (Telemadrid, Walter & Thompson, McCann...). Secretary General of SEECI (Spanish Society for Ibero-American Communication Studies), of the History of Information Systems (HISIN) and of the International Forum on Communication and Public Relations (Forum XXI). Principal Investigator (PI) of the Complutense Research Group 'Concilium'. Author of more than 90 scientific articles and 6 books: Asturias y La Rioja, una historia común, El sello de Spielberg, Cultura y RRPP, Manual de RRPP, Las RRPP y su fundamentación and La cara interna de la comunicación empresarial.
Dra. Almudena Barrientos-Báez
Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid. Faculty of Information Sciences. Department of Communication Theories and Analysis. She is part of the project New values, governance, financing and public audiovisual services for the Internet society: European and Spanish contrasts (RTI2018-096065-B-I00) of research of the State Programme of R+D+I oriented to the Challenges of Society of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). He is a member of the Research Team: Gabinete Comunicación y Educación. Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the UAB. He is a member of the Concilium Research Group (931.791) of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Dra. João Vidal de Carvalho
Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal). Post-doctorate in Information Technologies and Systems from the University of Coimbra. PhD in Information Systems and Technology from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Vice-Director of the CEOS.PP Research Centre and President of the General Congress of ICOTTS, the International Congress on Tourism, Technology and Systems and ICITED, the International Congress on Information Technology and Education. Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management.